Lesbian Succubus Diary

For anyone who loves my poetry and short stories so much they want to take them on holiday and show them the world (you never know), here is the latest collection of my eccentric creations.

A collection of short stories and lyrical poetry with vampires, succubi, mechanical girls and other unusual creatures, that’s sometimes erotic and sometimes romantic, but sometimes quite the opposite. Are succubi sexy? Or terrifying? How would you like to be a vampire? Or to give your blood to a vampire? What if, instead of a heart beating, an oscillator ticked in your chest? And, instead of blood, steam whistled through your veins, driving pistons and spinning gears?

This is writing for the pleasure of writing. Poetry for fun, an exploration of rhyme and metre, from the 5–7–5 of haiku to the constrained repetition of villanelles, and featuring fairytale princesses and terrifying tentacle monsters. With a few dirty limericks thrown in for good measure…

From a review by Tera S, Queen of the Succubi:

I adored this story, really could not put it down and, I freely admit, I reread the story several times. There is just something about the work that tugs at me and I think that comes from the concept that succubi are complex beings, capable of love, but also needing to survive through sex. It is that conflict which pulls at the characters at several points, leading to heartache, heartbreak, and, eventually, revelation.

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