July 2015 @AlinaMeridon

Cover of Lesbian Succubus Diary and other steamy stuff by Francis James FranklinIt has been a relatively quiet month over on Alina Meridon, partly because I have been so busy at work and home, and partly because I got wrapped up in writing a story that ended up just over 13000 words and is provisionally titled I Like It Hard. But it has been a good month, not least because I wrote a novelette (which has been accepted by an independent publisher – more on that some other time); Tera S, Queen of the Succubi, has written a wonderful review of my recent collection of poetry and short stories, Lesbian Succubus Diary & other steamy stuff:

I adored this story, really could not put it down and, I freely admit, I reread the story several times. There is just something about the work that tugs at me and I think that comes from the concept that succubi are complex beings, capable of love, but also needing to survive through sex. It is that conflict which pulls at the characters at several points, leading to heartache, heartbreak, and, eventually, revelation.


Cover of The City Darkens by Sophia Martin